
Website Development

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    DTC SEODTC 广告投放B2B SEOB2B 广告投放维基百科词条创建网站建设/迁移/改版全球商业信息服务










    Website Development


    在数字营销领域,网站建设通常是指根据企业类型的不同,选择合适的语言或者平 台进行符合公司形象的独立站建设。其目的在于打造品牌,聚集流量,积累权重。


    无论是对于B2B还是B2C的企业来说,进行独立站的建设是近年来兴起的一个趋势, 同时也是新的契机。 对B2C来说,无论是亚马逊, Etsy还是速卖通,销量的提 升并不能带来流量与去权重 的积累。一旦第三方平台受政策影响对品牌施压,企业所受的影响是非常大的。而独立站能完美解决这个痛点; 对B2B企业来说,传统的营 销方式或许依然举足轻重, 但数字营销正在逐渐体现出它的价值,品牌独立站将是打破现有格局的决定性力量。


    确定网站目标定位,丰富网站内容,明确网站架构 是做好网站建设的前提。 在进行网站建设的同时做好SEO站内优化,做好SEM落地页设置将使得日后的数字营销工作事半功倍。 ONETAPSEO有资深欧洲建站团队,加上多国语言优化师的配合以及深耕SEO, SEM领域多年负责人的领衔,助力您的企业“一键” 出海。

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What Is SEO?

    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation – which also refers to the process of improving your website to increase its visibility on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). This, in turn, helps to generate more quality and quantity traffic for your website. Simply put, SEO enables your brand, business or services to get discovered by search users organically (in ways that are unpaid).

    What Are the Benefits of SEO?

    As one of the most impactful elements of a company’s marketing efforts, SEO can yield numerous benefits. For one, it can serve as one of your primary sources of leads. When you rank well organically, potential customers who are actively searching for information related to your industry, products or services are more likely to notice you and engage with your brand.

    How Does SEO Work?

    SEO is basically a process of boosting your website in Google’s organic search results. As of June 2019, there are around 200 ranking signals that impact a website’s organic ranking. At SEOAgency, we work on Technical SEO, Copywriting & Offsite ranking signals to boost your website in the search returns.

    How Can SEO Help Your Business?

    Ranking well organically on Google can result in an influx of traffic to your website. This will result in more leads, sales & interactions with your website. Depending on your requirements, we will perform different SEO strategies to ensure that you get the best ROI possible out of your SEO campaign. Every business is different – as an example, a local plumber would prefer phone calls & form submissions, while an E-Commerce website would aim to achieve additional sales through their online presence.

    Is SEO Expensive?

    The price of an SEO campaign depends heavily on your current organic rankings & most importantly, the nature of your industry and how competitive it is. While SEO can be considered an expensive service, the ROI that you will get outweighs your investment. It is important to note that SEO is the investment that keeps on giving – once you stop running an SEO campaign with a Digital Marketing Agency, it is impossible to “switch off” your SEO.

    How To Pick The Right SEO Agency?

    It is important to look for an SEO Agency that suits your requirements. Having industry experience, local staff & a proven track record of good results are the most important factors. We recommend visiting the office of the SEO Agency you are intending to sign with to meet the people who will be working on your SEO campaign in person. It is always important to pick the right SEO agency for your business. To do so, you can consider looking through the agency’s experience, portfolio, past performances and ensuring that they are fully aligned with your goals. On top of that, we recommend browsing through reviews. At the end of the day, you want to pick a reliable agency that has all it takes to bring you the results you need.